3 Tips To Avoid Bruising Your Pubic Bone While Snatching

California Strength Athlete Stephen Ngo

California Strength Athlete Stephen Ngo

Having a bruised pubic bone from Snatching is painful AF. Once you have one, it feels like it will never go away. Naturally as humans, we will try to avoid pain and snatch technique will suffer. How do we even get those darn bruises? Here’s a little info regarding how they happen and how to prevent them.

First, establishing grip width is key. Summation of forces at the top of the pull will result in bar body contact which should occur below the iliac crests and above where the pubis bones meet. The crease of the hip in 90 degrees of flexion is also often used as a guideline for establishing bar placement. If grip width is too narrow, bar placement will be lower and will have more chances of making boney contact.

If grip width is assigned correctly and the bar is still making contact too low, there are other possibilities that may be contributing to the problem. Often, low contact occurs when the lifter finishes or extends the hips before reaching the power position. It is important that the power position is achieved and triple extension is executed in the proper sequence in order to most effectively maintain correct bar path.

Altered bar placement can also occur as a result of disorganized tension in the upper body such as a loss of upper back tension or increased tension in the arms. Either of these things will increase chances of incorrect bar-body contact.

Once you have a pubic bone bruise it will seem to linger especially if you are snatching several times a week. The best thing to do is to protect the bruise with some sort of padding and then work hard to implement correct pulling mechanics, it will get better!

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