Posts tagged Training
What's In Your Gym Bag?

We are often asked to try out and review several products during training. Over the years, we’ve picked out our favorites and tend to lean towards the same products, even as a team. Below are some of the key items that most of us carry in our gym bags to help us get through training sessions and competitions.

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The PR Paradigm: What It Means To Trust The Process

While there are no perfect models to predict how and when athletes will rebound from physical or psychological adversity, if they remain in this sport long enough, the progression will inevitably be cyclical in nature. When telling an athlete to trust the process, it is easier to do so when there is visibility into the journey by those who have traveled the road before them.

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3 Tips To Avoid Bruising Your Pubic Bone While Snatching

Having a bruised pubic bone from Snatching is painful AF. Once you have one, it feels like it will never go away. Naturally as humans, we will try to avoid pain and snatch technique will suffer. How do we even get those darn bruises? Here’s a little info regarding how they happen and how to prevent them.

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Sleep Habits And Their Effect On Your Recovery

For the most part, exercise (like weightlifting) can improve your sleep quality and duration. However, it is common to see your sleep habits disrupted as a result of aggressive exercise and that can impact your recovery. Some studies suggest that excessive or aggressive exercise can overstimulate the bodies natural stress responses and stress hormones, leading to an increased heart rate and alertness. Throw into the mix a pre-workout Fast Twitch RTD and you could have trouble falling asleep missing critical recovery gains as result. We have pulled some tips that you can implement TONIGHT to dramatically change your sleep habits and improve your recovery. 

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Are You Taking Enough Mental Reps?

Think your weightlifting program is perfect? You've accounted for volume, intensity, exercise selection and have lined up your periodization to peak at the perfect time; but wait.  Have you added mental reps into the equation? All your blood, sweat and tears could easily be for not if the mental side of training is forgotten. Don't worry, we have you covered!

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A Super Food Shake to Decrease Inflammation, Boost Immunity and Aid Digestion

Sometimes, you just need to feel healthy and drink something green. I started this healthy shake to help me feel more energized and hydrated throughout the day with hopes of consuming a few more nutrients and vitamins as well. After doing more research, I’ve found that the ingredients can help combat inflammation, boost my immune system, and help with digestion!

Full Recipe Included

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Preparing for the Open with Rachael Stull

During my preparation for the 2016 Open, we needed to increase strength while maintaining my metabolic capacity, and the solution was adding The Barbell WOD programming to my training arsenal. The Barbell WOD provided a spotlight focus on my Olympic weightlifting while still allowing me to recover enough to complete my daily Metcons.  The strength that I gained as a result of the programming has had a huge impact on increasing my 1RM's in the Olympic lifts and building CrossFit-specific strength in barbell cycling.

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Olympic Weightlifting: Plateau Not Big Enough for Littlest Lim

I fell in love with the most impossible, monotonous, soul-destroying sport and I wasn’t going to give up.  I sat down with Dave and discussed what we could do differently to get my heiny off the plateau and back to climbing the Mount Everest of kilos.  With some research, we altered my program to accommodate the physiology of small women.   After three months of testing, I finally PR’d and by a considerable amount.  Just like that, I felt like I was back on track with the rest of the best 48’s in the nation...

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