Posts tagged Inflammation
Can Omega-3s (DHA) Really Protect My Brain From Concussions?

In the US alone, more than 3 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury every year. According to a recent study, concussion rates in high school football games have been on the rise. While this shouldn’t come as a surprise, we were surprised to learn that while Football had the highest rate of concussions (10.4 per 10,000 exposures), women’s soccer follows closely behind at a rate of 8.19 per 10,000 exposures.

When we work with athletes both at the junior high, high school and pro level; we forge bonds and care deeply about their well being. As far as anyone can tell, you are your brain (unfortunately it’s not something we can live without). As strength & conditioning coaches it is our responsibility to improve each athletes resiliency to injury and that includes protecting their brain.

Can omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA protect athletes from the negative effects of traumatic brain injuries like concussions? Read to find out!

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Should I Give My Kids Omega-3 Supplements?

Why do I give my kids daily Omega-3 supplements? It seems like everyone is on board with the idea that fish oil is one of the few dietary supplements that conclusively work. Because of the extensive body of research, I have been prescribing high dosages of EPA and DHA for our athletes for the last decade with great results. Lately, I have received more questions on strategies I use to develop athletic qualities in my own children. Unsurprising to anyone that knows me well, I have a plan and yes, it includes daily supplementation of Omega-3.

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A Super Food Shake to Decrease Inflammation, Boost Immunity and Aid Digestion

Sometimes, you just need to feel healthy and drink something green. I started this healthy shake to help me feel more energized and hydrated throughout the day with hopes of consuming a few more nutrients and vitamins as well. After doing more research, I’ve found that the ingredients can help combat inflammation, boost my immune system, and help with digestion!

Full Recipe Included

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