Things to Consider When Selecting Your Next Lifting Program

Online programs are EVERYWHERE.

Thanks in large part to our ever expanding information economy, finding a training program specific to your sport and goals no longer requires you to stay within a 50 mile radius of your home. But like anything, there are better programs than others and there should be no higher determining factor than RESULTS. As Dave Spitz (owner of California Strength) puts it, "No matter how perfect you believe your training program to be, if it doesn't produce results, then it's f*cking wrong." 

Here are the key aspects to consider when selecting a training program.

A few questions to ask yourself...

1. Does this program balance continuous strength gains while making technical improvements to your lifts at the same time?

2. Does this program provide you with access to quality coaching opportunities?

3. How many days a week can you train?

4. Is this program sport specific to my training or competitive goals?

Technology as a training tool...

When selecting a training program, you need to also consider the training platform and how it will help to provide you with the resources to be successful.  With the TrainHeroic platform, every member of a California Strength online team has immediate access to:

  • The daily programming, tracking and analytics of your progress.

  • Exercise demonstration videos performed by National level Olympic weightlifters.

  • An online training forum where you can easily communicate with the coaching staff and other online team members.

The California Strength Online Training Programs in 300 words or less...

Olympic Weightlifting Programs

  • California Strength Starter Program - 3 Sessions / Week

    • For athletes who are just picking up the barbell for the first time and want a systematic program for learning the technical progressions of the Snatch and Clean & Jerk.

  • California Strength Club Program - 5 Sessions / Week

    • For the intermediate - advanced Olympic weightlifter who wishes to step out on the competition platform some day!

  • California Strength Elite Program - 9 Sessions / Week

    • For the advanced Olympic weightlifter, only those brave enough compete at a National level.

  • California Strength Womens Program (-63kg) or (+63kg) - 5 Sessions / Week

    • For the intermediate - advanced female Olympic weightlifter, built to account for specific anatomical differences and provide a supportive training community in preparation for the competition platform.

Competitive Fitness Programs

  • The Barbell WOD - 3 Workouts / Week

    • For any athlete with a basic understanding of the Olympic lifts, who is looking to make massive strength gains while still leaving gas in the tank for additional Metcon / Skill workouts.

  • The Barbell WOD Plus - 5 Workouts / Week

    • For the competitive athlete who wants the Olympic and power lifting principles all of The Barbell WOD but with two additional training days a week.

High School / Collegiate Sport Program

  • Ground Force - 4 Workouts / Week

    • The ability to generate Force is the cornerstone behind any successful explosive athlete. Ground Force combines the best of Olympic and powerlifting principles into a program that regularly produces Division 1 and Pro Players.

Have a question about one of our online training programs?  Join the conversation by commenting below!